
I am implementing a solution that has a web interface (service stack) and a long running job service (servicestack?).

I already implemented the web interface and found servicestack a really good framework for creating what i wanted. I used redis as a semi reliable object store.

Then i started to think about how to implement the job service. What i originally thought i do was to set up a simple windows service and have the redis client pick up thinks marked for the job service ( how exactly i wasn't sure ). These are very long running jobs that require alot of resources so i want to throttle how many of them are running at a time and also if i could fan out with worker machines that would be nice.

Then i saw that ServiceStack has a RedisMQ that might fit the bill, and hence the question.

Should i create a seperate servicestack service and host it in a windows service. Then have a MQ interface on it and let the webservice post to that message queue jobs that need to run. Then the jobservice is decoulpled from the webservice and all is well.


Am i over thinking it and should just use the logic part of the service i already have running and implement the job logic there, could pop in a MQ but in the same process that would probably just be a waste of time. I could skip the message part entirely and just call the logic part straight with some throttling algorithm.

Also when i was testing this out i had trouble with creating the RedisMQ server

using ServiceStack.redis;
using ServiceStack.messaging;
var mqHost = new RedisMqServer(redisFactory, retryCount:2);

Returns RedisMQServer not found.

I did a full nuget install of the servicestack and servicestack.redis packages

install-package servicestack
install-package servicestack.redis

When i use object browser on the .dll i don't find any mention of the ReidsMQServer, the version i 4.0.15 I found this url And would think that this should belong to the servicestack.redis reference.

Any help appreciated, cheers

È stato utile?


Redis MQ is in the ServiceStack.Server NuGet package, i.e:

PM> Install-Package ServiceStack.Server

When in doubt as to which package to install, refer to ServiceStack's download page, e.g:

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