
Suppose I have bound all urls to Spring dispatcher servlet, and set up some .css and .js directories with <mvc:resources> in mvc Spring namespace.

Can I cache those static Spring resources in memory to avoid hitting disk on user request?

(Note that I am not asking about HTTP caching like Not Modified response and also don't mean Tomcat static files caching or setting up another webserver in front of Java webserwer, just Spring solution)

È stato utile?


Well, as you say that you want to cache the entire content of your underlying target resource, you have to cache its byte[] from inputStream.

Since <mvc:resources> is backed by ResourceHttpRequestHandler there is no stops to write your own sub-class and use it directly instead of that custom tag.

And implement your caching logic just within overrided writeContent method:

public class CacheableResourceHttpRequestHandler extends ResourceHttpRequestHandler {

        private Map<URL, byte[]> cache = new HashMap<URL, byte[]>();

        protected void writeContent(HttpServletResponse response, Resource resource) throws IOException {
            byte[] content = this.cache.get(resource.getURL());
            if (content == null) {
                content = StreamUtils.copyToByteArray(resource.getInputStream());
                this.cache.put(resource.getURL(), content);
            StreamUtils.copy(content, response.getOutputStream());


And use it from spring config as generic bean:

<bean id="staticResources" class="">
    <property name="locations" value="/public-resources/"/>

<bean id="urlMapping" class="org.springframework.web.servlet.handler.SimpleUrlHandlerMapping">
    <property name="mappings">
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