
I am trying to write some functions for Complex type numbers, but I couldn't make this work.


typedef struct{
double a; /* Real*/
double b; /* Imaginary*/
Complex Nmbr1,Nmbr2;

int main()
Complex NmbrMulti;
printf("Type the value of the real part of the first number\n");
printf("\nType the value of the Imaginary part of the first number\n");
printf("\nType the value of the real part of the second number\n");
printf("\nType the value of the Imaginary part of the second number\n");

   NmbrMulti.a = Nmbr1.a  * Nmbr2.a  - Nmbr1.b * Nmbr2.b ;
   NmbrMulti.b = Nmbr1.a * Nmbr2.b + Nmbr2.a * Nmbr1.b ;

  printf("\nThe Multiplication : %d+i", NmbrMulti.a);
  printf("%d\n", NmbrMulti.b);

return 0;

but I get the result 0+i0 , it seems that the problem is with the operations, is there another way to do multiplication for double numbers that I'm not aware of ?

È stato utile?


When scanf sees %d, the corresponding argument must be a pointer to int. If the argument is a pointer to double, the code should be %lf.


Altri suggerimenti

Formatting for double in C is lf rather than d. The latter implies and int.

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