
I would like to use a HashMap to map (x, y) coordinates to values. What is a good hashCode() function definition? In this case, I am only storing integer coordinates of the form (x, y) where y - x = 0, 1, ..., M - 1 for some parameter M.

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Soluzione 3

To calculate a hash code for objects with several properties, often a generic solution is implemented. This implementation uses a constant factor to combine the properties, the value of the factor is a subject of discussions. It seems that a factor of 33 or 397 will often result in a good distribution of hash codes, so they are suited for dictionaries.

This is a small example in C#, though it should be easily adabtable to Java:

public override int GetHashCode()
  unchecked // integer overflows are accepted here
    int hashCode = 0;
    hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ this.Hue.GetHashCode();
    hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ this.Saturation.GetHashCode();
    hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ this.Luminance.GetHashCode();
    return hashCode;

This scheme should also work for your coordinates, simply replace the properties with the X and Y value. Note that we should prevent integer overflow exceptions, in DotNet this can be achieved by using the unchecked block.

Altri suggerimenti

To get unique Value from two numbers, you can use bijective algorithm described in here < x; y >= x + (y + ( (( x +1 ) /2) * (( x +1 ) /2) ) )

This will give you unquie value , which can be used for hashcode

public int hashCode()
      int tmp = ( y +  ((x+1)/2));
               return x +  ( tmp * tmp);

I generally use Objects.hash(Object... value) for generating hash code for a sequence of items.

The hash code is generated as if all the input values were placed into an array, and that array were hashed by calling Arrays.hashCode(Object[]).

public int hashCode() {
    return Objects.hash(x, y);

Use Objects.hash(x, y, z) for 3D coordinates.

If you wish to handle it manually, you could do compute hashCode using:-

// For 2D coordinates
hashCode = LARGE_PRIME * X + Y;

// For 3D coordinates
hashCode = LARGE_PRIME^2 * X + LARGE_PRIME * Y + Z;

Have you considered simply shifting either x or y by half the available bits?

For "classic" 8bit thats only 16 cells/axis, but with todays "standard" 32bit it grows to over 65k cells/axis.

public int hashCode() {
    return x | (y << 15);

For obvious reasons this only works as long as both x and y are in between 0 and 0xFFFF (0-65535, inclusive), but thats plenty of space, more than 4.2bio cells.

Edit: Another option, but that requires you to know the actual size, would be to do x + y * width (where width ofc is in the direction of x)

That depends on what you intend on using the hash code for:

If you plan on using it as a sort of index, E.g. knowing x and y will hash into an index where (x, y) data is stored, it's better to use a vector for such a thing.

Coordinates[][] coordinatesBucket = new Coordinates[maxY][maxX];

But if you absolutely must have a unique hash for every (x, y) combination, then try applying the coordinates to a decimal table (rather than adding or multiplying). For example, x=20 y=40 would give you the simple and unique code xy=2040.

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