
I'm creating a twitter login api for our mobile web application. I got this 404 not found error as return message in console. this is the full url for twitter callback<keyhere>&oauth_nonce=7540630&oauth_signature_method=HMAC-SHA1&oauth_timestamp=1396766598&oauth_version=1.0&oauth_signature=9TjVwKWGyqYEGYdfl1s56k%2BCaaY%3D

is there something wrong with the return url?


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No, the problem is not in the return url.

The problems are:

  1. You're sending the URL to without any further URI to indicate the service that you're requesting. Since you are passing an oauth_callback, it's likely that you wanted to access
  2. You can't pass an oauth_callback to oauth/request_token using a GET request: you need to use a POST request instead.

Hopefully that explains for you what's wrong with this URL.

If you are having more problems accessing the Twitter oauth API, I suggest that you read this primer from Twitter on how to use this API:

Implementing Sign in with Twitter

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