
I'm trying to use a python script to run a series of oommf simulations on a unix cluster but I'm getting stuck at the point where I send a command from python to bash. I'm using the line:-


Which returns exit code 191. What is exit code 191, I can't seem to be able to find it online. It may be a PBS error rather than a unix error but I'm not sure. The error doesn't seem to be in the shell file itself since the only commands in there:-


# This is an example submit script for the hello world program.

# OPTIONS FOR PBS PRO ==============================================================

#PBS -l walltime=1:00:00

# This specifies the job should run for no longer than 24 hours

#PBS -l select=1:ncpus=8:mem=2048mb

# This specifies the job needs 1 'chunk', with 1 CPU core, and 2048 MB of RAM (memory).

#PBS -j oe

# This joins up the error and output into one file rather that making two files

##PBS -o $working_folder/$PBS_JOBID-oommf_log

# This send your output to the file "hello_output" rather than the standard filename

# OPTIONS FOR PBS PRO ==============================================================

#PBS -P HPCA-000987-EFR


#PBS -m abe

# Here we just use Unix command to run our program echo "Running on hostname"

sleep 20

echo "Finished job now""

Which should just print the hostname and 'Finished job now'


È stato utile?


Exit code 191 indicates that the project code associated with the job is invalid. This is the code in line 13:-

#PBS -P HPCA-000974-EFG

Which tells the cluster which project the code is associated with.

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