
I know that AudioManager provides API for AudioService. However, that I want is to get instance of AudioService class.

Studying the source showed that AudioManager makes a call to class in remote service.

I know that AudioManager have a field "sService", but is not an instance of AudioService, instead it is an instance of BinderInternal, IIRC. Can I somehow gain access to instance of AudioService? Or it is totally impossible because of security issues?

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I suppose that you can easily get the reference to AudioService. I think you've just missed the appropriate part of the code:

private static IAudioService getService()
    if (sService != null) {
        return sService;
    IBinder b = ServiceManager.getService(Context.AUDIO_SERVICE);
    sService = IAudioService.Stub.asInterface(b);
    return sService;

You can see that sService will be a reference to IAudioService. Similarly, in your application you can get direct reference to IAudioService. However, I do not understand why you may need to do this.

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