CarrierWave Uploading Using SimpleForm; Why do "remote_image_url" and "image" save to same database column?



I have a simple_form with an image uploader, which is connected to CarrierWave:

<%= simple_form_for @house do |f| %>
  <%= f.input :price  %>
  <%= f.input :town  %>
  <%= f.input :description  %>
  <%= f.input :bedrooms  %>
  <%= f.input :bathrooms  %>
  <%= f.input :url, label: "URL"  %>
  <%= f.input :rating %>
  <%= f.input :remote_image_url %>
  <%= f.file_field :image %>
  <%= f.button :submit, "Add House"  %>
<% end %>

For some reason the two fields

      <%= f.input :remote_image_url %>
      <%= f.file_field :image %>

are storing to the exact same column in my database, which is named "image". I don't understand why.

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By carrierwave, you can either upload file/picture from your machine directly by <%= f.file_field :image %>, or from the link on remote server using helper method 'remote_image_url' . This naming convention remote_yourimagefield_url is important, as carrierwave will come to know by this naming structure to grab files from the remote server. As :remote_image_url points to the same column as :image, therefore they are stored in the same column

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