Where is the color setting for the Active Symbol Highlighting Feature in Visual Studio 2013

StackOverflow https://stackoverflow.com/questions/23162949

  •  06-07-2023
  •  | 


Anytime my cursor is on a symbol or keyword VS2013 (or some plugin i have) highlights all matches of those instances:



I don't mind the highlighting; however, this exact color is annoying with the sons-of-obsidian theme (or any dark background).

I would love to know which setting under Tools->Options->Fonts and Colors controls this so that i can fix it... (As far as I can tell, none of the options adjust it, which makes me think it could be one of the plugins i have...

Plugins: Resharper 8.2 (does adjust colors, but none of the settings I've changed worked) Nuget Package Manager (shouldn't adjust colors) MVC 5 Scaffolding (shouldn't adjust colors) Nancy.Templates (shouldn't adjust colors) Puppet Plugin (shouldn't adjust colors) Visual F# (shouldn't adjust colors)

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Soluzione 2

I was wrong, it was not the stupid VS2013 Update 2 RC, it seems to have been the "Puppet" plugin I had installed, I must've disabled it and not restarted visual studio until removing the update 2 RC, This is the setting that took me forever to find.... I glossed over it because i'm in a C# file and not a puppet file.

enter image description here

Altri suggerimenti

This is built in functionality provided by Visual Studio. To turn it off click on Tools > Options > Text Editor > C# > Advanced and turn off Highlight references to symbol under cursor enter image description here

If you only want to change the colors you can do this by Tools > Options > Environment > Fonts and Colors and in the Display Items list search for Highlighted Reference. enter image description here

I would guess this is a resharper setting. Unfortunately, there's so many different settings for various types of highlighting, I can't figure out which is which. Have you tried this modified version of Sons of Obsidian?

I had the exact same problem in 2023. To turn off the highlihgting alltogether, go to ReSharper settings > code inspection > settings > uncheck 'highlight usages of the element under the cursor'.

Alternatively, the highlight color can be changed by going to the VS Options > Environment > Fonts and Colors and finding the entry in the list called: 'ReSharper Usage of element under cursor'.

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