How to import non-comma/tab separated ASCII numerical data and render into vector (in matlab)



I want to import 100,000 digits of pi into matlab and manipulate it as a vector. I've copied and pasted these digits from here and saved them in a text file. I'm now having a lot of trouble importing these digits and rendering them as a vector.

I've found this function which calculates the digits within matlab. However, even with this I'm having trouble turning the output into a vector which I could then, for example, plot. (Plus it's rather slow for 100,000 digits, at least on my computer.)

È stato utile?


Use textscan for that:

fid = fopen('100000.txt','r');
PiT = textscan(fid,'%c',Inf);

PiT is a cell array, so convert it to a vector of chars:

PiT = cell2mat(PiT(1));

Now, you want a vector of int, but you have to discard the decimal period to use the standard function:

Pi = cell2mat(textscan(PiT([1,3:end]),'%1d', Inf));

Note: if you delete (manually) the period, you can do that all in once:

fid = fopen('100000.txt','r');
Pi = cell2mat(textscan(fid,'%1d',Inf));


Here is another solution, using fscanf, as textscan may not return a cell-type result.

Read the file with fscanf:

fid = fopen('100000.txt','r');
Pi = fscanf(fid,'%c');

Then take only the digits and convert the string as digits:

Pi = int32(Pi((Pi>='0')&(Pi<='9')))-int32('0');

Function int32 may be replaced by other conversion functions (e.g. double).

Altri suggerimenti

It can be done in one line.

When you modify your text file to just include the post-comma digits 14... you can use fscanf to get the vector you want.

pi = fscanf( fopen('pi.txt'), '%1d' );  fclose all

or without modifying the file:

pi = str2double( regexp( fscanf( fopen('pi.txt') ,'%1c'), '[0-9]', 'match'));
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