
Every time I run my code on VS2013, my tabs get rearranged alphabetically and I have no idea why. I have Resharper 8.2 installed, I went through the settings but found nothing too evident that's messing with the tabs.

Has anyone seen and / or solved this problem? Any extra info is greatly appreciated.

È stato utile?


If you have Productivity Power Tools ( there is feature in there that sorts tabs alphabetically. Look in tools\options\Productivity Power Tools for an option to disable that, or remove/disable Productivity Power Tools

Altri suggerimenti

A pretty annoying feature from Productivity Power Tools extension.

In Visual Studio 2015 you can turn it off in following:

 -> Tools
  -> Options
   -> Productivity Power Tools
     -> Turn off "Custom Document Well"
  or -> Custom Document Well, uncheck Sorting Alphabetically

screenshot of sorting settings

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