
I got only these 2 errors when converting flat files to database tables. The dataflow seems to work for other flat files with the same layout so I don't understand where these errors could come from.

[Flat File Source [204]] Error: An error occurred while skipping data rows.

The PrimeOutput method on Flat File Source returned error code 0xC0202091.  
The component returned a failure code when the pipeline engine called 
PrimeOutput(). The meaning of the failure code is defined by the component, 
but the error is fatal and the pipeline stopped executing.  There may be 
error messages posted before this with more information about the failure.
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Ah i found it... files were older and had some columns missing in the header..........

Altri suggerimenti

I agree with the answer above "files were older and had some columns missing in the header" (and I upvoted this answer). I just had the same error, and after investigation it was because the external flat file had a column missing, compared to the columns expected by the flat file connection manager. In essence, the SSIS error "An error occurred while skipping data rows" should be interpreted as meaning "Check the actual columns in the flat file source match the columns defined in its connection manager".

  1. You might need to check if all the required columns are available in flat source file.
  2. check in Flat File Connection Manager for "number of header rows to skip" and confirm it to be correct based on the source file content.

I was able to resolve it by setting header rows skip count to zero (0).

Flat File Connection Manager --> Header rows to skip: 0

Having had the same error message, I managed to correct the problem. My analysis has gone up 2 problems:

first problem

the HEADER ROWS option allows to manage the headers of lines marking the structures. If you set for example 1, it will discard the first column of the line. The returned error comes from desynchronizing output columns - you have more columns output than those from the file because you have removed the first column. Reset HEADER ROWS to 0 and set Data rows skip to 1 to remove the header if leaving 0

Second problem

if you use the column names option in the first row, it allows you to quickly create the columns, but it raises problems when executing the data flows. Stay on using the data rows skip a 1 and rename with the advanced option the columns and their type

I encouter the same error message in a SSIS project. The problem was in a connection of flat file source. Just recreating the connection worked for me.

For the benefit of others with this error, I had the same issue (An error occurred while skipping data rows) but it was not due to quote marks in the file, delimiters, or qualifiers. I am not skipping any header or data rows either. So it's a pretty annoying error message, which gives no insight whatsoever into the actual problem.

Anyway I was able to get it working by checking 'Retain null values from the source as null values in the data flow' in the connection manager tab of the flat file source editor.

I had one blank row following my header row. I had said skip one data row, but that apparently just meant while previewing data. I created the data source with the header row, and then, once the data source was created, I said skip the first 2 rows of the file (Header skip 2). That solved the problem.

I had this problem when transferring tables which contained a SQL Geometry column.

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