
First problem fixed here but it came with another one, and I prefered to make a new thread.

I have a CustomList<T extends A> which will be used with Class A1 and Class A2, both extending Class A.

I have a Class B which contains CustomLists :

public Class B
    CustomList<A1> listA1 = new CustomList<A1>();
    public CustomList<A1> getListA1(){ return listA1;}

Whenever I try to do

for(A1 obj : myBClass.getListA1())
    /*Do something*/

I got Type mismatch : cannot convert from element type A to A1. I don't get it since getListA1() returns a CustomList<A1>. I think it may be because of CustomList<T extends A>.

È stato utile?



class CustomList<T extends A> extends ArrayList<T>


class A {
    public boolean getCustomBoolean() {
        return true;


class A1 extends A {


CustomList<A1> customList = new CustomList<A1>();
customList.add(new A1());

for (A1 obj: customList) {

Prints: true

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