
I'm using a struct of three floats to represent Translation and Scale like this:

typedef struct Translation{
    Translation() : x(0.0), y(0.0), z(0.0){};
    Translation(x, y, z) : x(x), y(y), z(z){};
    //some arithmetic operators
    float x, y, z;

typedef Translation Scale;

Now I would want to use this definition to represent Rotation as well, but I don't want to access their members as x, y and z, but yaw, pitch and roll. Is it possible to rename members like this via a typedef? Or is there another way which does not include redefining the complete struct and its members?

È stato utile?


No, because typedef is for types (e.g. int, double, etc.).

The clearest way is to make another struct.

EDIT: Since this is C++, I suggest you make a base class, that contains all the logic and derive from it. In other words, use inheritance.


#include <iostream>

class Base {
  Base(int aa, int bb, int cc)
   : a(aa), b(bb),c(cc) {}

  int getA() {
    return a;

  int getB() {
    return b;

  int getC() {
    return c;

  // Notice that you make the data members private,
  // but then you will need the getters to access them
  // in the derived classes
  int a;
  int b;
  int c;

class A : public Base {
  A(int aa, int bb, int cc)
   : Base(aa, bb, cc) {}

  int x() {
    return a;

  int y() {
    return b;

  int z() {
    return c;

class B : public Base {
  B(int aa, int bb, int cc)
   : Base(aa, bb, cc) {}

  int gama() {
    return a;

  int beta() {
    return b;

  int theta() {
    return c;

int main() {
  A a_object(1, 2, 3);

  B b_object(4, 5, 6);

  std::cout << "a of a_object = " << a_object.x() << "\n";
  std::cout << "b of b_object = " << b_object.gama() << "\n";

  return 0;

Altri suggerimenti

So here is my go on this: It is probably not perfect, but allows for easy modification of all three structs at the same time while retaining a clear separation of all three types, which is extremely important as @Oktalist pointed out. There should be no interoperability between the three types, so inheritance and typedef are not an option.

So, I found my relief in Macros:

    NAME(float X, float Y, float Z) : X(X), Y(Y), Z(Z){};\
    NAME operator+(const NAME& other) const{ return NAME(X + other.X, Y + other.Y, Z + other.Z); }\
    NAME operator-(const NAME& other) const{ return NAME(X - other.X, Y - other.Y, Z - other.Z); }\
    NAME operator*(float divisor) const{ return NAME(X * divisor, Y * divisor, Z * divisor); }\
    NAME operator/(float divisor) const{ return NAME(X / divisor, Y / divisor, Z / divisor); }\
    NAME& operator+=(const NAME& other){ X += other.X; Y += other.Y; Z += other.Z; return *this; }\
    NAME& operator-=(const NAME& other){ X -= other.X; Y -= other.Y; Z -= other.Z; return *this; }\
    NAME& operator*=(float divisor){ X *= divisor; Y *= divisor; Z *= divisor; return *this; }\
    NAME& operator/=(float factor){ X /= factor; Y /= factor; Z /= factor; return *this; }\
    float X, Y, Z;\

THREE_FLOAT_STRUCT(Rotation, roll, pitch, yaw, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
THREE_FLOAT_STRUCT(Translation, x, y, z, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
THREE_FLOAT_STRUCT(Scale, x, y, z, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)

I personally like that solution. It is indeed a bit hard to read, but we're only talking about basic arithmetic operations, the code isn't anything too fancy and you can see on a glance which operators are defined.

If you got better solutions, feel free to post them as another answer.

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