
Hi I am working with Bash Script and i have difficulty on extracting a tar file and inside of the tar file is another tar file . Please see below code and please provide me with feedback because the only thing that the code do will just extract the the first tar file and remove it.


output=$(df -h)
bundle=$(awk -F = '{print $2}' config.txt)
bundlename=$(echo $bundle | awk -F / '{print $11}')  
echo "$output"

wget $bundle
echo "$bundlename"
tar -xzvf "$bundlename"
rm -vf "$bundlename"

My question is what is the right way/code to extract all the tar file inside the tar file ?.

È stato utile?


you can pipe the output of the tar extract to the tar command again to run it. for example:

tar -xvf xyz.tar |grep '\.tar$' | xargs -n 1 | tar -xvf

but this will only extract one level tar files, if the extracted tar contains another tar, then again you will have to pipe it. I hope you get the point.

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