
In a Node.JS project, let's say I have a response from an API or any other object with a structure like

  data: {
    info: {
      user: {
        name: "Hercules",
        password: "Iamthegreatest!"
        email: ""

Accessing the members of the object is pretty easy. However, checking the existence before accessing any value gets PITA.

I can assume that data is always present. Info, user, name, password and email may be present or may not. There can be a valid info object without an user and there can be a valid user without an email address.

This leads to code like

if (data && && && {
  var email =;

Only checking for

if (
  // do something

Throws an error if any of the objects do not exist.

Is there a shorter way to deep check the existence of structures like this?

È stato utile?


From the console in your project directory, npm install dotty

Then at the top of your code, import dotty with: var dotty = require('dotty')

then if obj is the object posted above, you can call

dotty.exists(obj, "")

and it will yield true or false instead of throwing an error.


Altri suggerimenti

Another alternative, since a lot of developers already use Lodash, is Lodash's get() method:

import _ from 'lodash';

let data = {
  info: {
    user: {
      email: ''

_.get(data, '');
// => ''

A nice thing about get() is that it supports a default value for cases where the resolved value is undefined:

_.get(data, 'info.user.emailAddress', '');
// => ''
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