
I can see in Vibed's Diet source code, the void compileDietString(string diet_code, ALIASES...)(OutputStream stream__) function.

I see it takes up to an infinite amount of aliases, as a template parameter.

What are these aliases? I have trouble figuring out through the source, it uses a lot of concepts like traits and mixins which I don't really understand that well.

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These parameters are passed over from render and renderCompat. From the documentation of renderCompat:

All following arguments must be pairs of a type and a string, each specifying one parameter. Parameter values can be passed either as a value of the same type as specified by the template arguments, or as a Variant which has the same type stored.


string title = "Hello, World!";
int pageNumber = 1;
    string, "title",
    int, "pageNumber")
    (title, pageNumber);
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