
Say I have an object, "Order," a field of which, "items," holds a list of order items. The list of items will never be searched or individually selected in the database so I just want to store it in a DB field as a JSON string.

I'm trying to figure out the best way to embed this functionality so it's fairly transparent to anyone using the model. I think saving the model is pretty easy - just override the save method and serialize the "items" list into an internal "_items" field, and then write that to the db. I'm confused about how to deserialize, though. Having looked into possibly some kind of classmethod for creation, or creating a custom manger, or something to do with signals, I've thoroughly confused myself. I'm sure this has been solved a hundred times over and I'm curious what people consider to be best practice.

Example classes:

class OrderItem():
    def __init__(self, desc="", qty=0):
        self.desc = desc
        self.qty = qty

class Order(Model):
    user = ForeignKey(User)
    _items = TextField() 

    def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
        self._items = jsonpickle.encode(self.items)
        super(Order, self).save(*args, **kwargs)

Example usage:

order = Order()
order.items = [OrderItem("widget", 5)]

This would create a record in the DB in which

_items = [{"desc":"widget", "qty":5}]

Now I want to be able to later select the object

order = Order.objects.get(id=whatever)

and have order.items be the unpacked array of items, not the stored JSON string.


The solution turned out to be quite simple, and I'm posting here in case it helps any other newbies. Based on Daniel's suggestion, I went with this custom model field:

class JSONField(with_metaclass(SubfieldBase, TextField)):
    def db_type(self, connection):
        return 'JSONField'

    def to_python(self, value):
        if isinstance(value, basestring):
            return jsonpickle.decode(value)
            return value

    def get_prep_value(self, value):
        return jsonpickle.encode(value)
È stato utile?


A much better approach is to subclass TextField and override the relevant methods to do the serialization/deserialization transparently as required. In fact there are a number of implementations of this already: here's one, for example.

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