
I'm not sure the best way to go about doing this, so comparing current to an array is just where my mind is currently at.

I'd like to have a group of routes execute a filter and then based on the route a different outcome from that filter. Something along the lines of

if(in_array($currentRoute, $allowedRoutes){
    do action1
    do action2

I have a number of different possibilities as far as uri's are concered


All of the above may have query strings and all have a number of HTTP methods. What is the best way to go about this?

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You can assign aliases to each route, so that you can identify the current route name despite the query strings. For example:

Route::get('/content', array('uses'=>'ContentController@index', 'as'=>'content'))
Route::post('/dynamic/{dynamic}', array('uses'=>'DynamicController@store', 'as'=>''))
Route::delete('dynamic/{dynamic}/content/{content}', array('uses'=>'ContentController@destroy', 'as'=>'dynamic.destroy'))

Now in a filter, you can do the following:

$allowedRoutes = array('content');
$currentRoute = Route::currentRouteName();

if (in_array($currentRoute, $allowedRoutes)) {
    // do action1
} else {
    // do action2

Note that this filter needs to be an after filter, not a before filter.

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