
I'm almost done with my project but I need some help. I need to add the Hours Overtime and Hours Worked (e.g. the output for Hours Overtime would be 7 because only two people worked ovvertime.) but I do not know how to proceed. Here is the code:

static final double OVERTIME_RATE = 1.5; 
static final double FULL_TIME = 40.0; 
static double totalGrossAmount;
static double grossAmount;
static double hourlyRate; 
static double hoursWorked;
static double hoursOT;
static double totalHoursOT;
static StringBuffer employeeName;

public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException { 


    Scanner scan = new Scanner(new FileReader("Employee.dat")); 

    while(scan.hasNextLine()) { 

        employeeName = new StringBuffer(scan.nextLine()); 
        hoursWorked = new Double(scan.nextDouble());
        hoursOT = new Double(scan.nextDouble());
        hourlyRate = new Double(scan.nextDouble()); 


        double[] pay = processPay(hoursWorked, hoursOT, hourlyRate);

        printEmployeeInfo(employeeName, hoursWorked, hoursOT, hourlyRate,


static void reportOverlay() { 

    String reportStr = "Employee             Hours    Hours     Pay      Amount     \n" 
                     + "Name                 Worked   Overtime  Rate     Earned    \n" 
        + "-------------------- -------- --------- -------- --------\n"; 


static double[] processPay(double hoursWorked, double hoursOT, double payRate ) { 

    grossAmount = 0;                   // <*********
    if(hoursWorked > FULL_TIME)
        grossAmount = (payRate * FULL_TIME) +
                      (payRate * OVERTIME_RATE * (hoursWorked - FULL_TIME));
        grossAmount = payRate * hoursWorked; 

    totalGrossAmount = totalGrossAmount + grossAmount;  
    return new double[] {grossAmount};

static void printEmployeeInfo(StringBuffer employeeName, double hoursWorked,
                              double hoursOT, double payRate,
                              double gross) 
{            // <*********
    System.out.printf("%-20s %8.2f %9.2f %8.2f %8.2f%n", employeeName,
                      hoursWorked, hoursOT, payRate, gross); // <*********

static void totalAmounts() { 

    System.out.printf("Total %51.2f%n", totalGrossAmount); 

static void makeFile() throws FileNotFoundException { 

    PrintWriter printF = new PrintWriter("Employee.dat"); 

    printF.write("Bugs Bunny\n40 0 15.25\nRoad Runner\n35 0 15.35\n"
                +"Wild E. Coyote\n45 5 16.00\nDaffy Duck\n42 2 15.75\n"); 

/*static void totalHours() {

    totalHoursOT = hoursWorked - FULL_TIME;
        if (totalHoursOT < 0)


Here is what the output should look like:

Employee             Hours    Hours     Pay      Amount      
Name                 Worked   Overtime  Rate     Earned     
-------------------- -------- --------- -------- --------
Bugs Bunny              40.00      0.00    15.25   610.00
Road Runner             35.00      0.00    15.35   537.25
Wild E. Coyote          45.00      5.00    16.00   760.00
Daffy Duck              42.00      2.00    15.75   677.25
Total                   162        7              2584.50

Here is what it is right now because I don't know how to add the hours:

 Employee             Hours    Hours     Pay      Amount      
Name                 Worked   Overtime  Rate     Earned     
-------------------- -------- --------- -------- --------
Bugs Bunny              40.00      0.00    15.25   610.00
Road Runner             35.00      0.00    15.35   537.25
Wild E. Coyote          45.00      5.00    16.00   760.00
Daffy Duck              42.00      2.00    15.75   677.25
Total                                             2584.50
È stato utile?


You already have grossAmount = 0, so you can do the same thing for calculating overtime hours. Since you already have a conditional, simple add the overtime hours to your "new" variable (such as hoursOvertime).

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