
I am new to moodle,i want to add navigation menu in left side menu bar under Administration Block(the menu name will be addPoints).

Please Help me.

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Is this a local plugin?

If so, assuming your code is in /local/addpoints and it's only for admin users

edit /local/addpoints/settings.php

and add something like

defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();

if ($hassiteconfig) {
        new admin_externalpage('local_addpoints',
        get_string('addpoints', 'local_addpoints'),
        new moodle_url('/local/addpoints/index.php')));

Then edit /local/addpoints/index.php

and this after require the top

require_once($CFG->libdir . '/adminlib.php');

and this after the $PAGE setup


Then the link will be available at site admin -> plugins -> local plugins -> addpoints

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