
I am running AngularJS to manage a WebApp and jQuery plugins manipulating DOM (I have no choice for mixing or not both).

Here is my html

<ul jQuery-plugin-directive="{{changeAfterSuccess}}">
    <li ng-repeat="var in varList">

Here is the directive

app.directive('jQueryPluginDirective',['$timeout', function (timer) {
    return {
        restrict: 'A',
        link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
            var myFunctionToExecuteAfterDomMod = function(){

Here is my controller :

app.controller('homeController', ['$scope', 'anHttpService', function ($scope, documentService) {
        anHttpService.getVarList().success(function (result) {
            $scope.varList = result.var;
            //$scope.changeAfterSuccess = "sthg";

If I use a timer with 0ms on myFunctionToExecuteAfterDomMod, it doesn't work.

If i use attrs.$observe("jQueryPluginDirective", myFunctionToExecuteAfterDomMod) and change changeAfterSuccess. This not work.

The only way I success to use it is to use a timer with more than 10ms. But I don't want to use this ugly solution.

This confirms that myFunctionToExecuteAfterDomMod is called before the {{var.attr}} is changed and that's why it doesn't work...

After searching for a solution for 2hours now, I'm quite desperate, I hope somebody have a good solution.



I do the thing how I should now. I am sure of it because when I apply simple DOM modification (like css value change) it does work well. The thing is with the plugin jstree it doesn't work if I don't put a 200ms timer... I'll use the "solution" for now and find a way to not use the plugin after.

È stato utile?


You might need to pass a variable as a separate parameter:

app.directive('jQueryPluginDirective',['$timeout', function (timer) {
    return {
        restrict: 'A',
        scope: {
           data: "="
        link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
            var myFunctionToExecuteAfterDomMod = function(){
            scope.$watch('data', function(newVal, oldVal){
               alert('data changed'); // probably want to use console.log() here instead

then your HTML would look like this:

<ul jQuery-plugin-directive data="changeAfterSuccess">


Also, why don't you pass the data and generate html in your directive:

controller HTML:

<jQuery-plugin-directive change="{{changeAfterSuccess}}" data="varList"></jQuery-plugin-directive>

JS in directive

app.directive('jQueryPluginDirective',['$timeout', function (timer) {
    return {
        restrict: 'A',
        scope: {
           data: "=",
           change: "="
        template: "<ul> 
                       <li ng-repeat="var in varList">
                   </ul>", // concatenate these lines in to a string
        link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
            var myFunctionToExecuteAfterDomMod = function(){
            scope.$watch('data', function(newVal, oldVal){
               alert('data changed'); // probably want to use console.log() here instead

Altri suggerimenti

Although everything was said by EliteOctagon allready here is a minimal directive to show you how to use a watcher:

    app.directive('makered', function() {
      return {
        restrict: 'AC',
        controller: function($scope) {
          return $scope.$watch(function(e) {
            $('.item').css('color', rcolor);

Look at this Plunker how to use it, then try to understand EliteOctagons code. (Cant use ajax in a plunker, so I mocked a scope change)

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