
Topojson-svg trial: I gave it a shoot...

curl -o uk.topo.json '' #get an online topoJSON file
topojson-svg -o output.svg uk.topo.json    #works !

But the uk.json => output.svg result is a #000000FF version of this :


which is UK, right, but with strange circles and inverted uk.

È stato utile?


Based on Jason davies' answer.

The problem is that you’re converting unprojected TopoJSON (geographic coordinates) to SVG.

You need the lastest topojson code :

 sudo npm rm -g topojson
 sudo npm install -g topojson
 topojson --version

Should return +1.6.12.

You’ll want to pre-project uk.json first, using topojson. Then, convert the projected TopoJSON to SVG using topojson-svg.

curl -o uk.topo.json '' #get an online topoJSON file
topojson uk.topo.json --projection='d3.geo.mercator()' -o out.topo.json #works !
topojson-svg -o output.svg out.topo.json    #works !

Produce that :

wikiatlas_topojson-svg_reprojected_subunits labels

The uk.topojson containing 2 layers merged from 2 different topoJSON, large circles are causes by the object-places layer. But the country shapes are doing well.

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