
In this article ( it is suggested that claims can be used to grand/deny certain types of access to data rows.

To be more specific: the article mentions:

public void ProtectedMethod()
    ClaimsPrincipalPermission.CheckAccess("bankaccount|1234", "Read"); 
    // Perform protected task.

In my opinion (please correct me if I am wrong) this suggests that access to data rows (in this case bank account numbers) can be managed with claims.

So far I get the picture and find this doable (well I think).

Now, imagine I want to query a list of all the account numbers a user may access. In a non-claimed-based scenario we could query the database like:

var list = db.BankAccounts.Where(c => c.UserId == userId); 

in a claim based scenario it would mean something like (just an example scenario):

var list = db.BankAccounts.Where(c => 
    ClaimsPrincipalPermission.CheckAccess("bankaccount|1234", "Read"))

But this doesn't really feel right.

Am I missing a crucial part? Or is it not really a good idea to protect access to data rows in this way?


After reading Wiktor Zychla's answer and comments I am still confused: at the moment the claims are stored in a claims table. The BankAccounts are stored in another table.

So basically I see this as options:

1) Query the bank accounts and join with the claims table (or cached data).

But I am still not sure this is the right approach.

È stato utile?


Claims are just pairs of name-value. It is perfectly valid to have a custom claim for user id.

This means that you don't have to stick with this CheckAccess method. Rather, find a needed claim (user name, user id, whatever) and use its value like you would use the id in the former example.

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