
I am learning CDI in Java EE and the different annotations. I created a repo. I am using the same managed bean to produce two greeting strings. Informal and Formal. I get following error:

SEVERE:   Exception while loading the app : CDI deployment failure:WELD-001409 Ambiguous dependencies for type [String] with qualifiers [@Formal] at injection point [[BackedAnnotatedField] @Inject @Formal mypackage.HelloServlet.formalMessage]. Possible dependencies [[Producer Method [String] with qualifiers [@Formal @Any] declared as [[BackedAnnotatedMethod] @Produces @Formal public mypackage.ProduceFormalGreeting.GetFormalGreeting()], Producer Method [String] with qualifiers [@Formal @Any] declared as [[BackedAnnotatedMethod] @Produces @Formal public mypackage.ProduceGreeting.GetFormalGreeting()]]]
org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DeploymentException: WELD-001409 Ambiguous dependencies for type [String] with qualifiers [@Formal] at injection point [[BackedAnnotatedField] @Inject @Formal mypackage.HelloServlet.formalMessage]. Possible dependencies [[Producer Method [String] with qualifiers [@Formal @Any] declared as [[BackedAnnotatedMethod] @Produces @Formal public mypackage.ProduceFormalGreeting.GetFormalGreeting()], Producer Method [String] with qualifiers [@Formal @Any] declared as [[BackedAnnotatedMethod] @Produces @Formal public mypackage.ProduceGreeting.GetFormalGreeting()]]]
    at org.jboss.weld.bootstrap.Validator.validateInjectionPointForDeploymentProblems(

I am not sure why there is ambiguity when the first function is annotated with Formal and the second with Informal. The error goes away when I remove one of the functions or move it to a different bean class. Thank you

public class ProduceGreeting {

    public String GetFormalGreeting(){
        return "Good morning !";

    public String GetInFormalGreeting(){
        return "Hi there !";

Servlet that calls the ProduceGreeting class:

String formalMessage;

String informalMessage;

 out.println("<h2> Formal Greeting: " + formalMessage + "</h2>");
 out.println("<h2> Informal Greeting: " + informalMessage + "</h2>");

EDIT - adding informal and formal annotations (also available in the repo).

public @interface Formal {}

public @interface InFormal {}
È stato utile?


The error message says that you have a


method and a


as well. I guess you need a cleanup in the target directory to remove the old class (it probably was renamed during development). (The code is fine, it works for me with Java SE.)

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