
I tried using


And in JDBI I used

.bind("Tablename", "MyTable")

The result is always inside single quotes:


Is there a proper way to parameterise something like TableName?

È stato utile?


bind is not intended for identifiers but values. Table is a database object and its name is an identifier to refer it.

Hence you have to explicitly construct the sql query string to include table name dynamically.


String tableName = "employee";
String sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " + tableName;

Then if you want to filter the count or any other results, based on a field value or on an expression, you can bind it.


sql = sql + " WHERE deptno = :deptNoToBind";
int deptNo = 20;
// ... use db handle to bind
handle.createQuery( sql )
      .bind( "deptNoToBind", deptNo );

You can see that values for columns or expressions are bound but not identifiers.

The feature you are looking for are @Define - here is an example of its usage:

import org.skife.jdbi.v2.sqlobject.customizers.Define;
@SqlUpdate("create table if not exists <table> (" +
        "startTime TimeStamp not null," +
        "stopTime TimeStamp not null," +
        "uuid varchar(255)" +
public void createTable(@Define("table") String table);

Altri suggerimenti

import org.skife.jdbi.v2.sqlobject.customizers.Define;
import org.skife.jdbi.v2.sqlobject.stringtemplate.UseStringTemplate3StatementLocator;

public interface CreateTableDAO {

    @SqlUpdate("create table if not exists <table> (" +
        "startTime TimeStamp not null," +
        "stopTime TimeStamp not null," +
        "uuid varchar(255)" +
    public void createTable(@Define("table") String table);


Don't forget to add the dependency for UseStringTemplate3StatementLocator annotation

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