
I have a Java based data access layer that interacts with Couchbase. In order to apply unit testing to this layer I would like to mock Couchbase.

Browsing the net I encountered this project which is also hosted in GitHub. I would like to use it but missing some basic examples.

Maybe someone has tried it before and can provide me with some basic usages in Java?

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Personally when testing Couchbase using unit tests I don't use either of those projects, I just use Mockito to mock out the Couchbase calls.

Ideally all your calls to Couchbase are nicely encapsulated into DAO's. Mockito allows me to return what I expect in terms of json payloads etc but at the same time I can simulate timeout and other exceptions.

As a simple example where you are checking what happens if Couchbase throws an exception during an add operation you'd do the following (I expect a runtime exception as I catch the earlier exception and rethrow due to it being non recoverable for this example):

@Test(expected = RuntimeException.class)
public void testSaveUserFailsOnAddDueToTimeout() {
    when(couchbase.incr(anyString(), anyInt())).thenReturn(0L);
    when(couchbase.add(anyString(), anyObject())).thenThrow(InterruptedException.class);

You can view the whole test class here:

Or the whole project here (which is a simple Couchbase/Spring/API example)

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