
inside my mvc razor view I'm getting list of objects and inside foreach loop I'm creating links like

    var dday = @ViewBag.Day;     
@foreach (var a in Model)
        @Html.ActionLink(a.Name, "ProcessAction", "Home", new { ss= @a.Id, dd= dday, cc= @a.Comp}, null)            

on controller side I'm getting first two variables populated and third parameter as null even @a.Comp is populated in the moment of sending inside link.

On link mouse over I'm getting third argument as Domain.Comp

È stato utile?


You cannot transfer arbitrary objects as URL parameters. Restrict yourself to strings and numbers, dates can already be tricky.

In your case it looks like you should use: cc= @a.Comp.Id.

You should be able to retrieve the object serverside from its Id.

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