
This post requires the base class methods to be virtual: question link.

This does not work for me because the base class methods are not virtual (I did not write it and do not have source).

How do I mock out and verify the base class method was called if they are not virtual?

Last criteria - I am developing using Xamarin Studio on Mac. Moq works fine but other frameworks like TypeMock or JustMock (windows install programs) will not work.

È stato utile?


It is not possible. Because of the way Moq works, there is no chance Moq can mock a non-virtual method.

Are you mocking the class type YourClass directly, where YourClass derives from BaseClass, and BaseClass has this (public?) non-virtual non-static method that interests you? So your mock has type Mock<YourClass>, not Mock<IYourClass> where IYourClass is an interface?

Is it strictly necessary that you use BaseClass as a base class, rather than "composing" (having a field of type BaseClass insider your class)?

Altri suggerimenti

As mentioned above, Moq can only mock virtual methods.
One possible end run is to wrap your un-moqable class in a proxy and use this proxy in your code.

public class MyUnMoqableClass {
    public string GetValue() {
        return "Hello World";

public interface IMyUnMoqableClassProxy {
    string GetValue();

public class UnMoqableClassProxy : IMyUnMoqableClassProxy {

    private readonly MyUnMoqableClass _myUnMoqableClass;

    public UnMoqableClassProxy(MyUnMoqableClass myUnMoqableClass) {
        _myUnMoqableClass = myUnMoqableClass;

    public string GetValue() {
        return _myUnMoqableClass.GetValue();


It can be a bit (a lot) tedious if you have a large interface on the unmoqable class but does let one isolate the client code.

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