
I'm doing a redirect in the angularjs config and I can see the initial location there:

     redirectTo: function(dummy, path, search) {
         return "/default-page";

The problem is how to pass this information anywhere else.

  • I can't inject a service in the config.
  • I can't inject the $rootScope either (so I can't broadcast it).
  • I can inject the $rootScopeProvider, but have to use its $get.
  • I can listen to $routeChangeSuccess but I can't see there the original location.
  • I can listen to $routeChangeStart, but it's no better.

What do I want it for: Unlock a feature by using a "magic" URL like


It's just a debugging hack, nothing security relevant.

I guess I should do it differently (a normal page calling $location?), but now I'm curious...

È stato utile?


Me stupid.

After having spend quite some time trying to figure it out and then writing the question....

Inject $rootScope and $location into the service and use it in

$rootScope.$on("$routeChangeStart", function() {...})
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