
I have and object with a nested model. I am currently getting all the nested objects like so:

@no = Parent.find(params[:parent_id]).children

Now, one of these children has an attribute that identifies them as the favorite. How can I get the favorite child from among the children?

In addition, how can I edit the attributes using fields_for for just that single object in the view/update?

È stato utile?


I don't know the name of your attribute that identifies the record as the favorite, but let's say it is a boolean named is_favorite. Considering this abose, the following should work:

children = Parent.find(params[:parent_id]).children
@favorited_children = children.where(is_favorite: true) # return 0..N records! not only 0..1 !

To edit its attributes, you can do as following (you will have to translate it in ERB or HAML, depending on what your app uses):

form_for @favorited_children do |form_builder|
  form_builder.text_field :name
  form_builder.check_box :is_favorite

Hope this helps!

Altri suggerimenti

You could also look at using an ActiveRecord Association Extension

This basically works by creating instance methods you can chain onto the child association, like so:

Class Parent < ActiveRecord::Base
    has_many :children do
       def favorites
           where(is_favorite: true) #-> to use MrYoshi's example

This will allow you to use the following:

@parent = Parent.find params[:id]
@favorites = @parent.children.favorites
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