Why am I getting random numbers when I try to increase the ascii value of a char?

StackOverflow https://stackoverflow.com/questions/23667423

  •  22-07-2023
  •  | 


int n = argv[i][j];
n = n + (int)argv[1]; 

/* I'm pretty sure the above part that is wrong. What I was hoping that this 
would do is take the number the person put in and increase n by that number but 
it isnt working*/ 

printf("%d\n", n);
  • i = the string numbers of the argument
  • j = the characters of the string

What I want is to make it so when someone types ./123 12 hi I want it to increase the ascii characters of h and i by 12 or whatever number they put in. When I test my code out with

./123 1 hi 

I get an output of


instead of


which is i and j, the next letters of h and i

Libraries I'm using

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argv[1] is a string (i.e, a null-terminated char array), casting it to int doesn't give the result you expected

You should use atoi to do the job. Or better, use strtol to get better stability.

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