
PHP, Javascript, HTML

I have a PHP function stored in page2.php

function pot()
does something;
returns a value;

in another page (page1.php), i have a link and a textbox

<a href="#" onclick="pot();">when i click, call the function pot</a>

Calling pot() is simple, but I am not able to store the value returned by pot() into a textbox. This is my textbox

<input type="text" id="field" name="field" value="value the function returns">

Any suggestions??

È stato utile?


Try to set the returned value to the textbox using javascript/jquery like

function pot()
// your code
document.getElementById("field").value="returnedvalue";  // set the result value to element with id as field

This will set the value of the textbox when you click on the link

<a href="#" onclick="pot();">when i click, call the function pot</a>

Note: Make sure to include the function in the file, where you are calling the function. Otherwise it won't work. If needed you can create a js file with the function (if you want to use the same function in many places) and call the js file in your php file with

<script src="jsfilename.js">

Altri suggerimenti

by JavaScript

function pot()

by jQuery

function pot()

Besides using ajax (the preffered method) you can also use a hidden iframe on your page.

Your html would be:

<iframe src="about:blank" id="myhiddeniframe"></iframe>
<input type="text" id="field" name="field" value="">
<div onclick="pot();">when i click, call the function pot</div>


function pot(){

And your php-function:

function pot(){
    //get the $value
    var ret='<?php echo rawurlencode($value) ?>';'field').value=decodeURIComponent(ret);

[edit] added the rawurlencode() and decodeURIComponen() to make sure your value doesn't screw up the javascript :-)

I think you're having problem with the js? I'm assuming that you require page2.php on page 1.. in function pot you can add this..

function pot()
    document.getElementById('field').value = 'what ever value you want';

That is a native javascript, but there is a javascript library called jQuery that will helps you a lot regarding on that. It seems that you are new in Javascript, you can visit this to help you

Have external .js file and add it in page1.php


function pot()
does something;
returns a value;

In page1.php

<script src="script.js" language="javascript" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
var t=pot();
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