
I'd like to deserialize XML document to a POCO object. But I'm receiving unexpected result. Actually I need to get on output null value for Country property, but it has value with String.Empty.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<ZIP xmlns:xs="">
  <COUNTRY xs:Nil="true" />

Properties looks like:

[XmlElement(IsNullable = true)]
public string ZIP { get; set; }

[XmlElement(IsNullable = true)]
public string CITY { get; set; }

[XmlElement(IsNullable = true)]
public string STATE { get; set; }

[XmlElement(IsNullable = true)]
public string COUNTRY { get; set; }

I know that I can put some hooks with custom properties or implement IXmlSerializable, but it is just one from hundred of XML documents and POCO classes. Is there any generic solution?

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Now try it with the correct namespace; xs should here be an alias to "xmlns:xsi="", and it should be xs:nil, not xs:Nil.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<ZIP xmlns:xs="">
  <COUNTRY xs:nil="true" />
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