
My system has users with different role. I want show all users in same page in separate tables. So i did following things.

User Model (User.php)

App::uses('AppModel', 'Model');

class User extends AppModel {

    public $useTable = 'users';


AUser model (Auser.php)

App::uses('User', 'Model');

class Auser extends User {


BUser model (Buser.php)

App::uses('User', 'Model');

class Buser extends User {



App::uses('Auser', 'Model');
App::uses('Buser', 'Model');

class UsersController extends AppController {

    public function index() {
        $Auser = new Auser();
        $Buser = new Buser();

        $this->paginate = array(
            'Auser' => array(
                'conditions' => array('Auser.role' => 0),
                'limit' => 5
            'Buser' => array(
                'conditions' => array('Buser.role' => 1),
                'limit' => 5

        $this->set('ausers', $this->paginate('Auser'));
        $this->set('busers', $this->paginate('Buser'));


But it show following error.

Error: An Internal Error Has Occurred.

What is the issue?

È stato utile?


error comma and how to load models is so



class UsersController extends AppController {

    public function index() {
        $this->paginate = array(
            'Auser' => array(
                'conditions' => array('Auser.role' => 0),
                'limit' => 5
            'Buser' => array(
                'conditions' => array('Buser.role' => 1),
                'limit' => 5

        $this->set('ausers', $this->paginate('Auser'));
        $this->set('busers', $this->paginate('Buser'));

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