
I try to ignore a complete folder in a SVN repository.

I typed :

$ svn propset svn:ignore tmp .

The command works :

$ svn propget svn:ignore .

Now, I touch a dummy file in the tmp folder

$ touch tmp/

Is that normal that this file is displayed with status command ?

$ svn status
M      .
?      tmp/


edit : some informations

svn, version 1.6.17 (r1128011)
Debian wheezy 64b

My SVN is "local", without any configuration modification.

È stato utile?


I'm quite sure that you already have svn added and svn committed the tmp folder to your repository, before you tried to ignore it - this is not how ignoring works in SVN. This is the only way I could reproduce the output you describe. To resolve, first revert the property changes, then svn del the tmp folder again (note that this will delete the files in the folder), commit that change and then repeat the procedure you described above.

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