
I know the title is not accurate but I could not find another way to write an explicit question title.

In my MySQL database I have attachments which look like this:

#<Attachment id: 949, container_id: nil, container_type: nil, filename: "", disk_filename: "", filesize: 491652766, content_type: "", digest: "84540939cc90c65bf7e101d0069da298", downloads: 0, author_id: 3, created_on: "2014-05-15 14:05:08", description: nil, disk_directory: "2014/05">

What I am trying to do is to get this entry but when I need it I don't know the id therefore I can't use this information. I would like to do my query with the filename and the container_id, I tried the following:`

att = Attachment.where("filename = ? AND container_id = 'nil'", fileName)

att = Attachment.where("filename = ? AND container_id = ?", fileName, nil)

and many things but nothing seems to work. It's probably a common question but I did not find how to perform this query.

Could you help me to get this entry with these two parameters? (description would work as well)

I'm working with Rails 3.2.17


È stato utile?


Attachment.where("filename = ? AND container_id IS NULL", fileName)


Attachment.where(filename: fileName, container_id: nil)

Altri suggerimenti

I guess the problem is that when checking for SQL nil/NULL values you need to use the IS comparator and not =.

Rails will generate the correct query if you do not use a string based where clause:

att = Attachment.where(filename: name, container_id: cid)

This should generate a valid query with nil values and normal values for name and cid.

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