
I have a button as follows:

RadButton lnkAdd = new RadButton();
lnkAdd.ID = "BtnAdd";
lnkAdd.CommandName = RadGrid.InitInsertCommandName;
lnkAdd.Text = "Add New Record";
lnkAdd.Style.Add("display", "none");

I want to enable it on click of a row in the grid. I have the following JavaScript to do this:

function OnRowSelected(sender, args) {       
    var clientDataKeyName = args.get_tableView().get_clientDataKeyNames()[0];   
    var clientDataKeyValue = args.get_tableView().get_selectedItems()[0].getDataKeyValue(clientDataKeyName);     
    var grid = args.get_tableView(); 
    var linkButton1 = $telerik.findControl(grid.get_element(), "BtnAdd");  
    if (clientDataKeyValue == "Proposal") {

Though it reaches the linkButton1.set_enabled(true), the button is not enabled. I also tried the following to enable the button = "block"; But this throws an error:

SCRIPT5007: Unable to set property 'display' of undefined or null reference.

Though it finds the button, style is rendered as undefined.

È stato utile?


Since you have only hidden the main wrapping element of the button via its display CSS property, you should use the same thing to show it again:


Altri suggerimenti

Any UIControl (including RadioButtons) can be enabled and disabled using the IsEnabled property. Basically, you can just set the button to

linkButton1.IsEnabled = false;

In order to disable the button and

linkButton1.IsEnabled = true;

to reenable it. Hope that helps.

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