
I made this 'game', and now I want to show some message (winner) when are all values of input's equals zero, and I want to show message when 3 field values are less than 0.

examples: when the fields are like this (connect link) 

then user is winner, but when it is like this (just two fields with 0)

then user is automatically loser.

Link to jsbin :

My code is so long to put it here..

User lose the game when of 25 fields are just two 0. Ex.

2 3 1 2 0
2 2 1 1 1
3 0 3 1 2
2 3 4 1 2

There is just two zeros, so user is loser.

È stato utile?


Working demo

Try adding this to the end of your document ready function:

function verifyWinningConditions () {
    var nonZeroBoxes = 25;
        if($(this).val() == 0) {

    if (nonZeroBoxes == 0) {
        alert('WINNER!! All 25 boxes are 0!');

    if(nonZeroBoxes >= 23) {
        alert('LOSER! Only 2 out of 25 boxers were 0!');

$('input').on('click', verifyWinningConditions);

Altri suggerimenti

Something like this:

var inputs = $('input'), sum;
$('button').on('click', function(){
  sum += +$(this).val();
if(sum > 0){
  console.log('not all zeros');
  console.log('all zeros');



$('.inputi').click(function() {
   var counter = 0; 
   $(".inputi").each(function() { 
         counter= counter+1;

   if(counter==0) {
     // show message here
     alert("You won!");
   if(counter < 3 & counter >0) {
    //show message when 3 field values are less than 0.
    alert("Sorry, you lost the game");
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