
Ho individuato un errore di runtime su questa riga del mio codice:

for (synsAuxCopyIndex=1; synsAuxCopyIndex<synsAux.size(); synsAuxCopyIndex++)

Che sta funzionando all'interno della funzione pushSynonyms(string synline, vector<WordInfo> &wordInfoVector). Non capisco perché questa particolare riga stia generando l'errore, poiché non credo di indicizzare qualcosa al di fuori dell'intervallo.

Il debugger sta dicendo:

Uncontrolled Exception 0x00411cbf in program.exe: 0xC0000005: Infracción de acceso al leer la ubicación 0x00000000.

Suppongo " Infracci & # 243; n de acceso " si tradurrà come accesso non autorizzato su un debugger inglese.

Il file di input è


1 cute
2 hello
3 ugly
4 easy
5 difficult
6 tired
7 beautiful
1 7
7 1
1 3
3 1 7
4 5
5 4
7 3

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <vector>

using namespace std;

class WordInfo{
  WordInfo() {}

  ~WordInfo() {}

  int id() const { return myId; }

  void readWords(istream &in) {
    in >> myId >> word;     

  vector<int>& getSynonyms () {
    return mySynonyms;

  vector<int>& getAntonyms() {
     return myAntonyms;

  string getWord() {
    return word;

  void pushSynonyms (string synline, vector<WordInfo>& wordInfoVector) {
    stringstream synstream(synline);
    vector<int> synsAux;
    int num;
    while (synstream >> num)
    int wordInfoVectorIndex;
    int synsAuxCopyIndex;
    for (wordInfoVectorIndex=0;
         wordInfoVectorIndex < wordInfoVector.size();
         wordInfoVectorIndex++) {
      if (synsAux[0] == wordInfoVector[wordInfoVectorIndex].id()) {
        // this is the line that's generating a Runtime Error, Why?                                                       
        for (synsAuxCopyIndex = 1;
             synsAuxCopyIndex < synsAux.size();
             synsAuxCopyIndex++) {
//        wordInfoVector[wordInfoVectorIndex].mySynonyms.push_back(
//            synsAux[synsAuxCopyIndex]);

  void pushAntonyms (string antline, vector<WordInfo> wordInfoVector) {
    stringstream antstream(antline);
    vector<int> antsAux;
    int num;
    while (antstream >> num)
//    for (int i=0; i<antsAux.size(); i++){
//      cout<<antsAux[i]<<endl;  
//    }

  //--dictionary output function
  void printWords (ostream &out) {
    out<<myId<< " "<<word;     

  //--equals operator for String
  bool operator == (const string &aString) const {
    return word ==aString; 

  //--less than operator
  bool operator < (const WordInfo &otherWordInfo) const {
    return word<otherWordInfo.word;

  //--more than operator
  bool operator > (const WordInfo &otherWordInfo) const {
    return word>otherWordInfo.word;

  vector<int> mySynonyms;
  vector <int> myAntonyms;

//vector <int> mySynonyms;
//vector <int> myAntonyms;
  string word;
  int myId;

//--Definition of input operator for WordInfo
istream & operator >> (istream &in, WordInfo &word) {

//--Definition of output operator
ostream & operator << (ostream &out, WordInfo &word) {

int main() {
  string wordFile;
  cout << "enter name of dictionary file: ";
  getline (cin, wordFile);
  ifstream inStream(;
  if (!inStream.is_open()) {
    cerr << "cannot open " << wordFile << endl; 

  vector <WordInfo> wordInfoVector; 
  WordInfo aword;

  while (inStream >> aword && (!(aword == "synonyms")))


  int i=0;          
  while (i < wordInfoVector.size()) {
    cout << wordInfoVector[i] << endl;

  vector <int> intVector;
  string synLine; 

  while (getline(inStream, synLine) && (synLine != ("antonyms")))
    aword.pushSynonyms(synLine, wordInfoVector);

  int theIndex;
  for (theIndex=0;
       theIndex < wordInfoVector[0].mySynonyms.size();
    cout << "the synonyms of 1 are " <<
        wordInfoVector[0].mySynonyms[theIndex] << endl;
  cout << "the size of mySynonyms of 1 is " <<
      wordInfoVector[0].mySynonyms.size() << endl;

  for (theIndex=0;
       theIndex < wordInfoVector[0].mySynonyms.size();
    cout << "the synonyms of 7 are " <<
        wordInfoVector[6].mySynonyms[theIndex] << endl;
  cout << " the size of mySynonyms of 7 is " <<
      wordInfoVector[6].mySynonyms.size() << endl;

  string antLine;
  while (getline(inStream, antLine))
    aword.pushAntonyms(antLine, wordInfoVector);    

  return 0;          
È stato utile?


Se aggiungi un po 'di output di debug al tuo programma, noteresti di non aver mai inserito o addirittura di raggiungere la " colpevole " per-loop.

Il problema è in realtà il test contro " synsAux [0] " proprio sopra di esso - synxAux.size () è zero, quindi l'accesso all'elemento zeroth è un errore fuori limite dell'indice.

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