
I've been playing around the the Dungeons app and also my own billing code and pretty much have everything working except for one strangeness.

It seems that no matter what I do I can't get the DEVELOPER_PAYLOAD to show up in the JSON signed response. If I'm reading thing right, the docs seem to say that I should see the developer_payload in the JSON market response. The Dungeons app seems to think it should see the developer_payload in the json too.

I haven't gotten it to work in my code and it doesn't seem to work in the Dungeons example either on my phone.

Here are some snippets of my code:

Bundle request = makeRequestBundle("REQUEST_PURCHASE");
request.putString(C.DEVELOPER_PAYLOAD, "testing 123");


public static final String DEVELOPER_PAYLOAD = "DEVELOPER_PAYLOAD";

And here's what I'm seeing in the purchase state changed responses

05-14 20:13:08.360: INFO/BillingService(715): purchaseStateChanged got signedData: {"nonce":9005407554096378381,"orders":[{"notificationId":"android.test.purchased","orderId":"","packageName":"com.mypackage","productId":"android.test.purchased","purchaseTime":1305429187752,"purchaseState":0}]}

Thanks in advance!

EDIT: I finally figured this out. Turns out that the developer_payload doesn't come through if you're using any of the test android item ids. You have to be using real in app purchase items.

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I finally figured this out. Turns out that the developer_payload doesn't come through if you're using any of the test android item ids. You have to be using real in app purchase items.

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