
Non so come gestire questo test del gelsomino per il mio JS e sicuramente anche altri PPL hanno questo problema.Forse sto facendo sterro o forse è impossibile - non ho trovato alcun suggerimento su questo.Il problema ha a che fare con il fatto che - in jQuery - $ (questo) non è la stessa dell'elemento scelto da E.G.$ ("# This-ID"):


$("#button-id").on("click", function(e) { callSomeFunctionWith( $(this) ); } );

Jasmine-Test (CoffetScript):

spyOn some.object, "callSomeFunctionWith"
spyOnEvent( $("#button-id"), 'click' )

$("#button-id").trigger( "click" )
expect( some.object.callSomeFunctionWith ).toHaveBeenCalledWith( $("#button-id") )

Sfortunatamente questo test fallisce (con qualsiasi variazione come memorizzare il ref in una variabile prima nel mio test del mio gelsomino), poiché la funzione non viene chiamata con $ ("# button-id"), ma invece è chiamato con $ (Questo) e $ (questo)!= $ ("# # button-id").

Qualcuno può dirmi come realizzare questo test?Sono abbastanza perso.Persino Remy Sharp's Great Article su JQuery e $ (questo) Didn 'mi prendi ulteriormente.

È stato utile?


Ok, now I've got the solution to my problem. The solution is easy, the explanation not. I'll explain the solution from scratch.

This is my Javascript code with jQuery that I want to test using jasmine-jquery:

$( "input.toggler" ).on( "click", function( e ) {
  doSomethingWith( $(this) );
} );

And now using Jasmine-jQuery I want to ensure that the JS function "doSomethingWith" gets called with the correct "$(this)".

First one might think that $(this) === $( "input.toggler" ), but that is not true. Inside the callback function of the click handler, the $(this) jQuery uses is neither the jQuery object $( "input.toggler" ) nor the DOM element referenced by that object. As Remy Sharp explains in his really nice article "jQuery's this: demystified", the "this" inside the callback function is the DOM element, but $(this) creates a jQuery object from that DOM element. And that is not identical to the jQuery object $( "input.toggler" ).

So if you want to test this with Jasmine using the function "toHaveBeenCalledWith", you have to first extract the DOM element using either document.getElementById(...) or else document.getElementsByTagName(...)[INDEX] (where INDEX is the index of the element you want, since the latter function gives you an array of DOM elements), which is plain old Javascript. Then, when you have extracted the DOM element wanted, you have to create a jQuery-object from it by enclosing it in $( and ).

My passing Jasmine-jQuery-test finally looks something like this (using Coffeescript):

it "does something with my input element", ->
  DOM_input_element = document.getElementsByTagName( "input" )[0] # Choose the correct DOM element here

  spyOn myobject.functions, "doSomethingWith"
  spyOnEvent( $( 'input.toggler' ), 'click' )


  $( 'input.toggler' ).trigger( 'click' )

  # Check for changes after click:
  expect( myobject.functions.doSomethingWith ).toHaveBeenCalledWith( $( DOM_input_element ) )

So the "$(this)" from my Javascript code translates to "$(DOM_input_element)" in my Jasmine-jQuery test.

Hopefully this helps you with your projects! It took me quite a while to figure this out.

Autorizzato sotto: CC-BY-SA insieme a attribuzione
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