
I'm building an app with some tabs for the iPhone. rephrased the question in the appcelerator website here

When i change from portrait to landscape i want to hide the navbar.

it works fine if i don't switch to another tab. But when i view 1 tab in portrait, switch to another tab, change to landscape view, switch back to the first tab, and then change to back portrait the navbar (window.barImage) is all stretched out ( to the size of a landscape navBar )

Also when i remove all my code for hiding the navbar the same problem occurs.

I've tried setting the barImage again on orientationchange but that does not help either.

a site note: I'm using the same image on every tab for the navBar could that be the problem?portrait view of the app showing my problem

I marked in green the navbar image, the blue part is where the image normally should be.

Also note that the image is the right size for a portrait view of the navbar.


var windowWidth = Ti.Platform.displayCaps.platformWidth;

var catWin = Ti.UI.createWindow({
    barImage: 'images/barImage.png',
    width: windowWidth

catWin.orientationModes = [

Titanium.Gesture.addEventListener('orientationchange', function(e) {
    if(e.orientation == Titanium.UI.LANDSCAPE_RIGHT){
    } else if(e.orientation == Titanium.UI.LANDSCAPE_LEFT){
    } else if(e.orientation == Titanium.UI.PORTRAIT){
È stato utile?

Soluzione 2

While this is not the best solution because it still looks a bit odd ( but way better then before, ) this is the best solution until now. I have found some kind of solution by using the following code:

I've set the barImage in the createWindow code so at least at the beginning it looks OK:

var jbWin = Ti.UI.createWindow({
    title: '',
    barImage: 'images/jobbroker_bar.png'

Then on orientationchange I unset the barImage and start using the titleImage:

Titanium.Gesture.addEventListener('orientationchange', function(e){
      catWin.titleImage = '';
      catWin.barImage = '';
   else if( e.orientation != Ti.UI.FACE_UP && e.orientation != Ti.UI.FACE_DOWN ) {
      catWin.titleImage = 'images/jobbroker_bar.png';

Altri suggerimenti

You really need to post more code, for example I have no idea if you are using Ti.UI.currentWindow.hideNavBar(); or if you are using just the .hide(); and .show();?

From what I can tell you're problem however possibly lies with the the width. Trying setting it to '100%' instead of using the platformWidth. Once again without all the relevant code such as your orientationchange event this is best advice I can give. Hope it helps.


Titanium.Gesture.addEventListener('orientationchange', function(e) {
    } else {
        catWin.barImage = 'images/barImage.png';

Just somewhere in there or the tab events. I would play around with that idea and see if it gets you any further?

have you tried using the "titleControl" on the Navbar to set the image instead of the barImage control?

also can you post a small apps.js file with the associated image somewhere? it is difficult to full grasp the problem without running the project

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