
I have installed surround.vim into ~/.vim/plugin

I can select with "v", make my selection and then hit "s" or "S" followed by a single or double quote. Nothing happens (well, sometimes text is deleted, but no quoting happens)

I was wondering if any of my other plugins might be interfering, so I started vim with

vim -u ~/.vim/plugin/surround.vim

and still no dice.

In desperation, I tried

vim -u NONE

And sourced ~/.vim/plugin/surround.vim directly into vim.

Still didn't work. So I know it is not some other plugin interfering since the -u parameter prevents sourcing all other files but what follows (unless NONE follows where it sources nothing).

I also tried < Leader>s' (to try a single quote) using \s', still nothing happened. This was the latest version downloaded from

BTW, if I do v [select text] S', then I get this error:

Error detected while processing function <SNR>12_opfunc2..<SNR>12_opfunc:
line   44:
E353: Nothing in register +

Any idea what is wrong?

È stato utile?


Sounds pretty strange. You might want to try these steps:

  • Make sure that nocompatible is set.
  • Download the latest version with git clone
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