Qualsiasi modo per configurare la ricerca federata in modo che si rivolga solo quando determinati scope sono utilizzati nella ricerca?

sharepoint.stackexchange https://sharepoint.stackexchange.com//questions/58321

  •  10-12-2019
  •  | 


Cosa mi piacerebbe fare è impostare la Federazione di ricerca con Bing, solo quando è selezionata la scope "Ricerca esterna", ma non riesce a capire se questo è possibile.È questo?

È stato utile?


If I understood you correctly, you are looking for Bing Search Connector.

This connector returns results from the Bing search engine. See the Federated Search Connector Gallery for other connectors and instructions for using connectors with specific Microsoft Enterprise Search products.

If not then you might be looking for this tutorial for setting federated search with search scope as bing.

Hope it helps.


Since you said

What I'd like to do is set up search federation with Bing

So I thought you might want to setup bing as federated search, anyway back to what you want, I don't think its possible as literally you want a search scope as "Bing" that users can use to search, but for creating a search scope you need a content source now you can give external websites as content source to your crawler to crawl & index so that users can search it later on, I hope you understand what I tried to tell you :).

Whoever down-voted me please give explanation and correct me where am wrong.

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