
Ho un'app di lavoro.Ho aggiornato xcode da 4,2 a 4.3 ieri.E ho aggiornato il mio telefono da iOS da 5,0 a 5.1.

Costruisco la mia app in Xcode 4.3, e mentre Tethered, l'app funziona bene sul mio telefono.Quindi eliminisco l'app dal mio telefono, crea un ad-hoc distribuibile in Xcode, rilascia il nuovo profilo di provisioning dell'app e di distribuzione in iTunes, quindi dillo a Itunes di sincronizzare.

L'app trasferisce al mio telefono e lo guardo "Installando ..." Ma quindi apre il messaggio molto utile "Impossibile installare".Ho provato a creare un nuovo profilo di distribuzione, ma nessun aiuto.

È stato utile?


This is what worked for me in Xcode 4.3.1

  • Go to XCode
  • Open the project, click on the project file in the explorer
  • Under targets, click on you project target
  • Go to the "build settings" tab
  • go to the "Code signing" section
  • By code signing Identity -> release -> select the add hoc profile you created in the IOS provisioning portal ( provisions -> Distrubution )
  • CMD - S ( save )
  • Click on project -> archive and you can create your add-hoc

Altri suggerimenti

I was having exactly the same problem when I came across this topic. Melvin's answer above was something I had already tried, and I was sure I had it correct. Then I read the comment from Gary saying: "At first this didn't work for me, when i only changed the Release setting. I changed all of the code signing identity settings from "Developer" to "Distribution" and then it worked."

It turns out that Gary's fix worked for me too. But it isn't the solution, but it does point to the root problem. In my case, it worked because my "Ad Hoc Distribution" scheme was configured incorrectly. I suspect that is the case for Gary as well.

Here's how I fixed it:

  1. Select your Ad Hoc Distribution scheme (e.g., use the Scheme button to select it)
  2. Select "Edit scheme..."
  3. Select "Archive" in the left-most column
  4. Select the correct "Build Configuration" in the selection box (e.g., "Release" or "Ad Hoc" or whatever you named your Ad Hoc build configuration)

In my case, I had the Build Configuration set to App Store Release build configuration. So the archived Ad Hoc build was signed for the App Store. Naturally, when I would try to install it on an ad hoc test device it would not install.

Melvin's answer is also essential to fixing this. You must be using the correct code sign identity for your ad hoc build configuration.

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