
Sto cercando di scrivere un programma che accetta un file WebM (Media) come parametro, quindi emetterà i dettagli del flusso tramite TTY in tutto il più dettaglio possibile.Ho pensato che proverei ad aprire il file in modalità binaria, ma non sono sicuro di dove iniziare.

Grazie per l'aiuto.

È stato utile?


Sembra una domanda di livello molto alto, quindi lo risponderò come tale:

Se si sta creando un programma di riga di comando in C / C ++ che deve accettare i parametri, cercare come utilizzare i parametri "ARGC" e "ARGV" nella funzione principale ().

Una volta trascorso il parametro in funzione della funzione principale, proverai ad aprirlo utilizzando una libreria di lettura file (ci sono molti da scegliere in base alle tue esigenze e piattaforma). Sì, vorrai aprire un file WebM in modalità binaria se la libreria di file si prende cura della differenza. Se si utilizza FOTON (), specificare "RB" per leggere in modalità binaria-- questo non farà alcuna differenza su Unix (vs Plain "R") ma farà una grande differenza su Windows.

Da lì, è possibile iniziare a leggere Byte dal file WebM e elaborarli. Si avvisa che WebM si basa sul formato multimediale di Matroska che è del tutto coinvolto. Se stai facendo questo come esercizio accademico, più energia per te. Se stai cercando di ottenere qualcosa di compiuto su una scadenza stretta, ci sono biblioteche che puoi chiamare per fare il sollevamento pesante di Matroska analizzando per tuo conto.

Altri suggerimenti

Puoi farlo facendo uso di libwebm.Il codice di esempio è riportato di seguito.Stampa header, cluster, segmenti ecc.


#include "stdio.h"
#include "stdlib.h"
#include "stdbool.h"
#include "string.h"

#include <memory>
#include <mkv/mkvreader.hpp>
#include <mkv/mkvparser.hpp>
#include <mkv/mkvparser.hpp>
#include "webm_parser.h"

static const wchar_t* utf8towcs(const char* str);
bool InputHasCues(const mkvparser::Segment* const segment);

using namespace mkvparser;

* This file reads an webm file. Generates a new file with random number 
* of packets in a single webm page.
int webm_parse(int argc, char **argv)
    int ret = -1;
    char *file_out;
    char *file_in;
    FILE *fd_out = NULL;
    MkvReader reader;

    if(argc != 3)
        printf("Usage: ./webm <input webm file> <output webm file>\n");

    file_in = argv[1];
    file_out = argv[2];

    printf("\n\nInput webm file = %s , Output webm file = %s\n", file_in, file_out);

    fd_out = fopen(file_out, "w+");
    if(fd_out == NULL) goto on_error;

        printf("Error opening input file %s", file_in);
        printf("Successfully opened input file %s\n", file_in);


    /** Return 0 on success */
    return ret;

    if(fd_out) fclose(fd_out);
    printf("Error while parse/generate webm file\n");

    /** Return -1 on failure */
    return -1;

int webm_parse_header(void *reader)
    int maj, min, build, rev;
    long long pos = 0;
    typedef mkvparser::Segment seg_t;
    seg_t* pSegment_;
    long long ret;
    MkvReader *mkvrdr = (MkvReader *)reader;
    EBMLHeader ebmlHeader;

    GetVersion(maj, min, build, rev);
    printf("libmkv verison: %d.%d.%d.%d\n", maj, min, build, rev);
    ebmlHeader.Parse(mkvrdr, pos);

    printf("\t\t\t    EBML Header\n");
    printf("\t\tEBML Version\t\t: %lld\n", ebmlHeader.m_version);
    printf("\t\tEBML MaxIDLength\t: %lld\n", ebmlHeader.m_maxIdLength);
    printf("\t\tEBML MaxSizeLength\t: %lld\n", ebmlHeader.m_maxSizeLength);
    printf("\t\tDoc Type\t\t: %s\n", ebmlHeader.m_docType);
    printf("\t\tPos\t\t\t: %lld\n", pos);    

    ret = seg_t::CreateInstance(mkvrdr, pos, pSegment_);
    if (ret) 
        printf("Segment::CreateInstance() failed.\n");
        return -1;
        printf("Segment::CreateInstance() successful.\n");

    const std::auto_ptr<seg_t> pSegment(pSegment_);
    ret = pSegment->Load();
    if (ret < 0) 
        printf("Segment::Load() failed.\n");
        return -1;
        printf("Segment::Load() successful.\n");

    const SegmentInfo* const pSegmentInfo = pSegment->GetInfo();
    const long long timeCodeScale = pSegmentInfo->GetTimeCodeScale();
    const long long duration_ns = pSegmentInfo->GetDuration();
    const char* const pTitle_ = pSegmentInfo->GetTitleAsUTF8();
    const wchar_t* const pTitle = utf8towcs(pTitle_);
    const char* const pMuxingApp_ = pSegmentInfo->GetMuxingAppAsUTF8();
    const wchar_t* const pMuxingApp = utf8towcs(pMuxingApp_);
    const char* const pWritingApp_ = pSegmentInfo->GetWritingAppAsUTF8();
    const wchar_t* const pWritingApp = utf8towcs(pWritingApp_);

    printf("\t\t\t   Segment Info\n");
    printf("\t\tTimeCodeScale\t\t: %lld \n", timeCodeScale);
    printf("\t\tDuration\t\t: %lld\n", duration_ns);

    const double duration_sec = double(duration_ns) / 1000000000;
    printf("\t\tDuration(secs)\t\t: %7.3lf\n", duration_sec);

    if (pTitle == NULL)
        printf("\t\tTrack Name\t\t: NULL\n");
        printf("\t\tTrack Name\t\t: %ls\n", pTitle);
        delete[] pTitle;

    if (pMuxingApp == NULL)
        printf("\t\tMuxing App\t\t: NULL\n");
        printf("\t\tMuxing App\t\t: %ls\n", pMuxingApp);
        delete[] pMuxingApp;

    if (pWritingApp == NULL)
        printf("\t\tWriting App\t\t: NULL\n");
        printf("\t\tWriting App\t\t: %ls\n", pWritingApp);
        delete[] pWritingApp;

    // pos of segment payload
    printf("\t\tPosition(Segment)\t: %lld\n", pSegment->m_start);

    // size of segment payload
    printf("\t\tSize(Segment)\t\t: %lld\n", pSegment->m_size);

    const mkvparser::Tracks* pTracks = pSegment->GetTracks();

    unsigned long track_num = 0;
    const unsigned long num_tracks = pTracks->GetTracksCount();

    printf("\n\t\t\t   Track Info\n");

    while (track_num != num_tracks) 
        const Track* const pTrack = pTracks->GetTrackByIndex(track_num++);

        if (pTrack == NULL)

        const long trackType = pTrack->GetType();
        const long trackNumber = pTrack->GetNumber();
        const unsigned long long trackUid = pTrack->GetUid();
        const wchar_t* const pTrackName = utf8towcs(pTrack->GetNameAsUTF8());

        printf("\t\tTrack Type\t\t: %ld\n", trackType);
        printf("\t\tTrack Number\t\t: %ld\n", trackNumber);
        printf("\t\tTrack Uid\t\t: %lld\n", trackUid);

        if (pTrackName == NULL)
            printf("\t\tTrack Name\t\t: NULL\n");
            printf("\t\tTrack Name\t\t: %ls \n", pTrackName);
            delete[] pTrackName;

        const char* const pCodecId = pTrack->GetCodecId();

        if (pCodecId == NULL)
            printf("\t\tCodec Id\t\t: NULL\n");
            printf("\t\tCodec Id\t\t: %s\n", pCodecId);

        const char* const pCodecName_ = pTrack->GetCodecNameAsUTF8();
        const wchar_t* const pCodecName = utf8towcs(pCodecName_);

        if (pCodecName == NULL)
            printf("\t\tCodec Name\t\t: NULL\n");
            printf("\t\tCodec Name\t\t: %ls\n", pCodecName);
            delete[] pCodecName;

        if (trackType == mkvparser::Track::kVideo) 
            const VideoTrack* const pVideoTrack =
            static_cast<const VideoTrack*>(pTrack);

            const long long width = pVideoTrack->GetWidth();
            printf("\t\tVideo Width\t\t: %lld\n", width);

            const long long height = pVideoTrack->GetHeight();
            printf("\t\tVideo Height\t\t: %lld\n", height);

            const double rate = pVideoTrack->GetFrameRate();
            printf("\t\tVideo Rate\t\t: %f\n", rate);

        if (trackType == mkvparser::Track::kAudio) 
            const AudioTrack* const pAudioTrack =
            static_cast<const AudioTrack*>(pTrack);

            const long long channels = pAudioTrack->GetChannels();
            printf("\t\tAudio Channels\t\t: %lld\n", channels);

            const long long bitDepth = pAudioTrack->GetBitDepth();
            printf("\t\tAudio BitDepth\t\t: %lld\n", bitDepth);

            const double sampleRate = pAudioTrack->GetSamplingRate();
            printf("\t\tAddio Sample Rate\t: %.3f\n", sampleRate);

            const long long codecDelay = pAudioTrack->GetCodecDelay();
            printf("\t\tAudio Codec Delay\t: %lld\n", codecDelay);

            const long long seekPreRoll = pAudioTrack->GetSeekPreRoll();
            printf("\t\tAudio Seek Pre Roll\t: %lld\n", seekPreRoll);

    printf("\n\n\t\t\t   Cluster Info\n");
    const unsigned long clusterCount = pSegment->GetCount();

    printf("\t\tCluster Count\t: %ld\n\n", clusterCount);

    if (clusterCount == 0) 
        printf("\t\tSegment has no clusters.\n");
        return -1;

    const mkvparser::Cluster* pCluster = pSegment->GetFirst();

    while ((pCluster != NULL) && !pCluster->EOS()) 
        const long long timeCode = pCluster->GetTimeCode();
        printf("\t\tCluster Time Code\t: %lld\n", timeCode);

        const long long time_ns = pCluster->GetTime();
        printf("\t\tCluster Time (ns)\t: %lld\n", time_ns);

        const BlockEntry* pBlockEntry;

        long status = pCluster->GetFirst(pBlockEntry);

        if (status < 0)  // error
            printf("\t\tError parsing first block of cluster\n");
            return -1;

        while ((pBlockEntry != NULL) && !pBlockEntry->EOS()) 
            const Block* const pBlock = pBlockEntry->GetBlock();
            const long long trackNum = pBlock->GetTrackNumber();
            const unsigned long tn = static_cast<unsigned long>(trackNum);
            const Track* const pTrack = pTracks->GetTrackByNumber(tn);

            if (pTrack == NULL)
                printf("\t\t\tBlock\t\t:UNKNOWN TRACK TYPE\n");
                const long long trackType = pTrack->GetType();
                const int frameCount = pBlock->GetFrameCount();
                const long long time_ns = pBlock->GetTime(pCluster);
                const long long discard_padding = pBlock->GetDiscardPadding();

                (trackType == mkvparser::Track::kVideo) ? "V" : "A",
                pBlock->IsKey() ? "I" : "P", time_ns, discard_padding);

                for (int i = 0; i < frameCount; ++i) 
                    const Block::Frame& theFrame = pBlock->GetFrame(i);
                    const long size = theFrame.len;
                    const long long offset = theFrame.pos;
                    printf("\t\t\t %15ld,%15llx\n", size, offset);

            status = pCluster->GetNext(pBlockEntry, pBlockEntry);

            if (status < 0) 
                printf("\t\t\tError parsing next block of cluster\n");
                return -1;
        pCluster = pSegment->GetNext(pCluster);

    if (InputHasCues(pSegment.get())) 
        // Walk them.
        const mkvparser::Cues* const cues = pSegment->GetCues();
        const mkvparser::CuePoint* cue = cues->GetFirst();
        int cue_point_num = 1;

            for (track_num = 0; track_num < num_tracks; ++track_num) 
                const mkvparser::Track* const track =

                const mkvparser::CuePoint::TrackPosition* const track_pos =

                if (track_pos != NULL) 
                    const char track_type =
                    (track->GetType() == mkvparser::Track::kVideo) ? 'V' : 'A';
                        "\t\t\tCue Point %4d Track %3lu(%c) Time %14lld "
                        "Block %4lld Pos %8llx\n",
                        cue_point_num, track->GetNumber(), track_type,
                        cue->GetTime(pSegment.get()), track_pos->m_block,
            cue = cues->GetNext(cue);

        } while (cue != NULL);

    const mkvparser::Tags* const tags = pSegment->GetTags();
    if (tags && tags->GetTagCount() > 0) 
        for (int i = 0; i < tags->GetTagCount(); ++i) 
            const mkvparser::Tags::Tag* const tag = tags->GetTag(i);
            for (int j = 0; j < tag->GetSimpleTagCount(); j++) 
                const mkvparser::Tags::SimpleTag* const simple_tag =
                printf("\t\t\t\tSimple Tag \"%s\" Value \"%s\"\n",
                    simple_tag->GetTagName(), simple_tag->GetTagString());

    return 0;

    return -1;

static const wchar_t* utf8towcs(const char* str) 
    if (str == NULL)
        return NULL;

    // TODO: this probably requires that the locale be
    // configured somehow:

    const size_t size = mbstowcs(NULL, str, 0);

    if (size == 0)
        return NULL;

    wchar_t* const val = new wchar_t[size + 1];

    mbstowcs(val, str, size);
    val[size] = L'\0';

    return val;

bool InputHasCues(const mkvparser::Segment* const segment) 
    const mkvparser::Cues* const cues = segment->GetCues();
    if (cues == NULL)
        return false;

    while (!cues->DoneParsing())

    const mkvparser::CuePoint* const cue_point = cues->GetFirst();
    if (cue_point == NULL)
        return false;

    return true;

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Non affiliato a StackOverflow
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