
Execute immediate call causes 'variable not in select list' error

hi there, i'm practicing with collections and execute immediate by combining them in plsql and have the following code:

set serveroutput on;
  type TTabList  is table of table1%rowtype index by pls_integer;
  vtabList       TTabList;
  vstrQuery      varchar2(32000);
  vNum           number(10)     := 100;
  vStrs          varchar2(100)  := '''45'',''11'',''20'',''71''';
  vstrQuery := 'select field1
                  from table1
                 where field1 =   '|| vNum ||'
                   and field2 in ('|| vStrs ||')';

  execute immediate vstrQuery bulk collect into vtabList;  

  if vtabList.count = 0 then
    dbms_output.put_line('nothing to show!');
    while vtabList.count > 0 loop
      for i in vtabList.first .. vtabList.last loop
        dbms_output.put_line('we have: '|| vtabList(i).field1);
      end loop;
    end loop;
  end if;

But its results following error which i can't resolve:

Error report - 
ORA-01007: variable not in select list
ORA-06512: at line 14
01007. 00000 -  "variable not in select list"

Any ideas to fix this?

È stato utile?


As mustaccio pointed out, types must be the same. You either have to change TTabList definition to be collection of just one field (see example below), or select : vstrQuery := 'select * ... Everything else should work after fixing misprint with rowrype (should be rowtype) . For instance, if you prefer to select just field1, you can do

set serveroutput on;
  type TAB1_FIELD1 IS RECORD (field1 table1.field1%type);
  type TTabList  is table of TAB1_FIELD1 index by pls_integer;
  vtabList       TTabList;
  vstrQuery      varchar2(32000);
  vNum           number(10)     := 100;
  vStrs          varchar2(100)  := '''45'',''11'',''20'',''71''';
  vstrQuery := 'select field1
                  from table1
                 where field1 =   '|| vNum ||'
                   and field2 in ('|| vStrs ||')';

  --works fine with collections (at least starting from 10g) 
  execute immediate vstrQuery bulk collect into vtabList; 

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