
I'm wondering, is there a way to modify the "Press This" bookmarklet so that posts are saved to a custom post type instead of to a post. Looking through, it doesn't seem as if there are any actions that would let me do that, but I may be wrong.

I know there have been a lot of changes, so I'm thinking that the way it used to be done isn't still relevant.

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Press This

Here's a simple plugin to modify the Press-This post type:

 * Plugin Name: Press-This Custom Post Type
 * Plugin URI:
add_filter( 'wp_insert_post_data', function( $data )
    $old_cpt = 'post';
    $new_cpt = 'page';  // <-- Edit this cpt to your needs!

    $obj = get_post_type_object( $new_cpt );

    // Change the post type
           doing_action( 'wp_ajax_press-this-save-post' ) // Check the context
        && isset( $data['post_type'] ) 
        && $old_cpt === $data['post_type']                // Check the old post type
        && isset( $obj->cap->create_posts ) 
        && current_user_can( $obj->cap->create_posts )    // Check for capability
        $data['post_type'] = $new_cpt;

    return $data;


where you have to modify the post type to your needs.

Here we make sure we're in the press-this-save-post ajax context by checking for:

doing_action( 'wp_ajax_press-this-save-post' ) 

We alse make sure the current user has the capability to create the new custom posts.


Since WordPress 4.5 the press_this_save_post filter is available to modify the post data.

Here's an example how we can use it to modify the post type and assign it to a custom taxonomy term:

 * Plugin Name: Press-This Custom Post Type And Taxonomy Term
 * Plugin URI:
add_filter( 'press_this_save_post', function( $data )
    // Edit to your needs:
    $new_cpt    = 'movie';              // new post type
    $taxonomy   = 'actor';              // existing taxonomy
    $term       = 'john-wayne';         // existing term

    $post_object = get_post_type_object( $new_cpt );
    $tax_object  = get_taxonomy( $taxonomy );

    // Change the post type if current user can
           isset( $post_object->cap->create_posts ) 
        && current_user_can( $post_object->cap->create_posts ) 
        $data['post_type']  = $new_cpt;

    // Change taxonomy + term if current user can    
    if ( 
           isset( $tax_object->cap->assign_terms ) 
        && current_user_can( $tax_object->cap->assign_terms ) 
        $data['tax_input'][$taxonomy]   = $term;

    return $data;

}, 999 );
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