
I've been writing a lot of ES6 code for io.js recently. There isn't much code in the wild to learn from, so I feel like I'm defining my own conventions as I go.

My question is about when to use const vs let.

I've been applying this rule: If possible, use const. Only use let if you know its value needs to change. (You can always go back and change a const to a let if it later turns out you need to change its value.)

The main reason for this rule is it's easy to apply consistently. There are no grey areas.

The thing is, when I apply this rule, in practice 95% of my declarations are const. And this looks weird to me. I'm only using let for things like i in a for loop, or occasionally for things like accumulated Fibonacci totals (which doesn't come up much in real life). I was surprised by this – it turns out 95% of the 'variables' in my ES5 code to date were for values that do not vary. But seeing const all over my code feels wrong somehow.

So my question is: is it OK to be using const this much? Should I really be doing things like const foo = function () {...};?

Or should I reserve const for those kind of situations where you're hard-coding a literal at the top of a module – the kind you do in full caps, like const MARGIN_WIDTH = 410;?

È stato utile?


My reply here is not javascript-specific.

As a rule of thumb in any language that lets me do so in a semi-easy way I'd say always use const/final/readonly/whatever it is called in your language whenever possible. The reason is simple, it's much easier to reason about code when it is dead obvious what can change and what cannot change. And in addition to this, in many languages you can get tool support that tells you that you are doing something wrong when you accidentially assign to a variable that you've declared as const.

Going back and changing a const to a let is dead simple. And going const by default makes you think twice before doing so. And this is in many cases a good thing.

How many bugs have you seen that involved variables changing unexpectedly? I'd guess a lot. I know that the majority of bugs that I see involve unexpected state changes. You won't get rid of all of these bugs by liberally using const, but you will get rid of a lot of them!

Also, many functional languages have immutable variables where all variables are const by default. Look at Erlang for example, or F#. Coding without assignment works perfectly in these languages and is one of the many reasons why people love functional programming. There is a lot to learn from these languages about managing state in order to become a better programmer.

And it all starts with being extremely liberal with const! ;) It's just two more characters to write compared to let, so go ahead and const all the things!

Altri suggerimenti

Be careful, because const object keys are mutable.

From here:

object keys are not protected

consider this example:

const colors = {red: "#f00"}; 
console.log(colors); // { "red": "#f00" } = "#00f"; = "#0f0";
console.log(colors); // { "red": "#00f", "green": "#0f0" }

Same thing for arrays:

const numbers = [1, 2, 3];
console.log(numbers); // [ 1, 2, 3 ]

console.log(numbers); // [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]

I haven't decided totally myself, but I'm considering using const for all non-array/non-objects and use let for objects/arrays.

Don't worry about it. const is an amazing addition to JavaScript, and I would recommend you use it all the places it makes sense. It makes for more robust code.

When it comes to objects, const will protect your variable from reassignment, but if you need immutable objects, you will need the Object.freeze method, see below.

const immutableOject = Object.freeze({immutableProperty: 'foo'});

const will protect only from reassignment, and the freeze method will protect all immediate properties. If you need all nested properties to be immutable also, then you will need to recursively freeze them.

In my ES6 const is not about immutability post, I explain what const means exactly according to the spec.

Based on those objective facts, here’s my personal preference:

[…] it makes sense to use let and const as follows in your ES6 code:

  • use const by default
  • only use let if rebinding (i.e. any form of reassignment) is needed
  • (var shouldn’t be used in ES6)

Subjective as it may be, it’s a fact that this most closely matches the spec’s intent.

People who use let by default usually treat const variables as constants (which they are not necessarily, by design!). To each their own, but I prefer using things for their intended purpose, and not for some made-up meaning people assign to it based on a misunderstanding.

Using const only for constants is like using the HTML <aside> element only for side bar content.

My personal approach, thought for helping code readability and understanding:

let is only for short-lived variables, defined at a single line and not changed after. Generally those variables which are there only to decrease the amount of typing. For example:

for (let key in something) {
  /* we could use `something[key]` for this entire block,
     but it would be too much letters and not good for the
     fingers or the eyes, so we use a radically temporary variable
  let value = something[key]

const for all names known to be constant across the entire module. Not including locally constant values. The value in the example above, for example, is constant in its scope and could be declared with const, but since there are many iterations and for each one there's a value with same name, "value", that could trick the reader into thinking value is always the same. Modules and functions are the best example of const variables:

const PouchDB = require('pouchdb')
const instantiateDB = function () {}
const codes = {
  23: 'atc',
  43: 'qwx',
  77: 'oxi'

var for everything that may or not be variable. Names that may confuse people reading the code, even if they are constant locally, and are not suitable for let (i.e., they are not completed in a simple direct declaration) apply for being declared with var. For example:

var output = '\n'
lines.forEach(line => {
  output += '  '
  output += line.trim()
  output += '\n'
output += '\n---'

for (let parent in parents) {
  var definitions = {} = getName(parent)
  definitions.config = {}
  definitions.parent = parent

Further commentary and possible future updates here.

JavaScript is a bit special in that variables can be functions and such, but consider in C#, Java or another similar C style language:

const public void DoSomething()

The const is odd, and that's because method declarations in these languages cannot change, once they're compiled into something else, that is what they do, no matter what (ignoring some horrible hacks that may exist).

Why should JavaScript be any different? So it isn't compiled, but that doesn't mean we should throw away the safety that compilers can provide. Using the const keyword gives us more safety, which will surely lead to more robust applications.

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